The warmer weather can often mean homeowners become a little more careless with their security, making their properties prime targets for thieves.

However, with some common sense and some forward planning, you can enjoy the summer months without putting your home at risk. Here are our top tips.

Re-assess your home’s security

Home security is something many of us take for granted, so ask yourself when was the last time you thought about exactly how secure your property is?

If your door and window locks have been faulty for a while and you simply haven’t done anything about it, there’s no better time to carry out a lock replacement. The same goes for your home security system – if it hasn’t been serviced for a while, there’s no time like the present to book an appointment.

Be savvy if you’re going away

Summer is, of course, a popular time of year for going on holiday. While you might be excited at the thought of two weeks in foreign climes, so will thieves.

Tell a trusted neighbour your travel plans and, if you feel comfortable, give them a key so they can check your home while you’re away. Switching lights on and off and tweaking the curtains every so often can help give the illusion that someone is at home.

What you shouldn’t do is let everyone know your travel plans on social media. Even with the strictest of privacy settings, all it takes is for one person to mention to another that your home is empty and you could come home to an unpleasant surprise.

If you can’t see it, shut it

Soaring temperatures often mean we open as many doors and windows as we can to create a through-draught – but all this does is act as an invitation to thieves. If the window or door you’ve opened isn’t in sight then close it, it’s simply not worth the risk!

Store your keys out of easy reach

For many of us, keeping keys close to the front door makes both logical and practical sense. After all, it’s more convenient to grab your house or car keys just as you’re heading out – right?

Many of us also get into the habit of tossing our keys to one side as soon as we walk through the door – especially when there’s the prospect of a cold beer in the garden just moments away!

Letterbox theft is hardly a new concept, but it’s one that poses a significant threat to homes throughout the country. Keep your keys out of easy reach of your front door, and further increase your security by fitting a draught excluder on your letterbox. You might also want to think about getting rid of your letterbox entirely.

How a South Yorkshire locksmith can help

A secure home relies on the work of an experienced locksmith – and that’s where we come in!

We’ve been in the industry for more than 20 years and have a range of options to make your home more secure this summer. If you would like a free, no obligation quote, speak to us on 01302 460356 and we can talk you through the different options we have available.

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